
GOTHSBESA makes sitting very comfortable in GTHS Nkwen/Bamenda, donates bountifully

President of Ex-Students donating to school

Students of Government Technical High School Nkwen will henceforth be comfortably seated in classrooms after receiving 100 benches from ex students of the prestigious technical institution known as GOTHSBESA (GTC/GTHS Bamenda Ex Students’ Association) Tuesday May 24, 2022. 

As a result of the ongoing sociopolitical unrest which has badly hit the English speaking regions of the country coupled with the insecurity in some areas of the North West region, several students and pupils have been forced to relocate to less infested zones to pursue their education. 

Immbi Stella Ghong Epse Wanki
President of GOTHSBESA

With the hundreds of Students from other areas, who made their way into GTHS Nkwen for educational purposes, students were forced to stand while studying, others sitting five per  bench which is making it very difficult for students to study effectively as attested by the principal to the president of GOTHSBESA. 

“We decided to give these benches because due to the crisis in our region we came visiting the school and we saw that students were sitting five per bench, some standing, some stooping because there were no benches and most of the benches were bad and the decision came in that we produce some benches which we have given them a hundred and next year God willing we will give more.” National president of GOTHSBESA Immbi Stella Ghong Epse Wanki opined. 

Ndifonchoinara David Nkeh
Principal of GTHS Nkwen

Government Technical High School Nkwen is fast dilapidating and needs much renovations reasons why the gift was so timely and laudable. As attested by NDIFONCHOINARA David Nkeh principal of GTHS Nkwen though pleading for more. 

“The greatest difficulty at this time of the crisis was the influx of many students coming from rural areas which were unsafe. When you look at the situation, GTHS is the most safe school around this area so most of them prefer coming this way and with that number we could not handle them in terms of the infrastructure that we have which are not enough, some of them are already dilapidating they need serious renovations and equipments too are all down so we need equipments to chain this place if we have to call it a Technical institution.” 

Students received the gifts with Joy 

GOTHSBESA stands for GTC/GTHS Bamenda ex-students Association aimed at developing technical education both theoretical and practical. The President of the association has therefore call on all ex students to step up their game and join the association to support others in the institution 

“We are praying and pleading that other students who are not yet members to come and join us so that we will be able to support our little ones  And children studying to know that Technical education is the first thing in the world.” 

The association will converge in Limbe for an Annual General Assemble hosted by the South West branch to plan for the development and sustainability of the Association. 


Anye Nde Nsoh

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