
How Attempts to Disrupt Dion Ngute's Peace Mission Crumbled

Cameroon's Prime Minister, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute was greeted to hilarious welcome at Matazem, Santa subdivision by the administration of the North West.

Shortly after stepping his foot in the North West, the PM was greeted with thunderous gunshots, miles away apparently coming from separatist fighters. Who apparently wanted to disrupt his entry collapsed few minutes as the convoy embarked for Bamenda. 

Scared by the gunshots, the local population took cover for safety. Others ran randomly but the convoy of the Prime Minister was never touched.

Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute was greeted by another crowd at customs junction, Finance Junction and the entrance to Ayaba Hotel.

The head of Government is in Bamenda to exchange with the population on what has been done and what is to be done in regards to the Major National Dialogue.

The Major National Dialogue was held in Cameroon from September 29th to October 4th 2021 to lay to rest grievances of the teachers and lawyers and other syndicates.

Two years on, the government has done more than 80% of what was initially raised, accorded a special status to the North West and South West regions. Yet the guns are still smoking.

The PM will have an opportunity to speak to the population of Bamenda to embrace peace for the region, once known for its hard to forge on the right direction.


Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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