
At NW Regional Assembly 8th Session, increase in school population, peace/ development evaluated

Prof Fru Angwafo III chairing deliberations 

As announced by the North West Regional Assembly President Prof. Fru Angwafo during the 8th session of the Regional Assembly the “Evaluation of peace building and back to school”, there has been a great increase in the number of Secondary school students. Based on all Statistics from the Regional Delegation of Secondary Education, on the fifth day of resumption last year, enrolment stood at 35587 students and has increased to 41660 this year.  

The aim of the Regional Assembly in her peace building and back to school strides is to attain the 220,000 students in schools as has been the case before the sociopolitical unrest in the Region as opined by the Assembly president. 

 “We have noted with much delight, the
based on modernised 'njangi' thrift and
growing enthusiasm in the population as
a whole, for actions towards school
loan schemes. On the fifth day of school resumption last year the enrollment was 35587 students and has improved to 41660 this year. On the fifth day of school resumption last year. Our resolve is to reach the 80,000 mark and soon the pre-crisis level of over 220,000.” 

For  back to school, scholarships have been awarded to outstanding students of the region in public exams and the “the assembly Has subsidized inclusive education again this year, given
scholarships to a hundred needy students, awarded prizes to the best performing
students of the region, school books and bags to 2000 internally displaced students
in the region in respect of spatial territorial and sociological distribution.” Prof. Fru Angwafo 

With the increase in the number of school going children abandoned schools shall be renovated to give students more and comfortable learning spaces. 

The Assembly has envisaged some developmental protracts for the region which includes the
headquarters of the Regional Assembly, the Regional Assembly Guest House,
Rehabilitation of Schools, Palaces, health facilities, Repair of the Regional road, and
the many studies for creation of Emergency centers, Vocational training Centers,
Mental and Physical Rehabilitation centers, NOWEDIF. 

Governor Adolphe Lele L’Afrique of the region in his key note address called on all actors to work in close collaboration to the development of the region. 

“I hear by call on you all the main actors of the local population to take upon yourselves the responsibility and call to work in close collaboration with the people especially those in remote areas to convince them of the necessity of peace for the well being of the people towards the execution of projects to the development of the North Aswear region.”

The session spanned from Monday 12 to Tuesday 13 September 2022 at the Regional Assembly conference hall.

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