
Circulation of Bikes Restricted in Bamenda

Paul Achobong, Bamenda City Mayor faces the Press

For four days, business persons have had it difficult to access their business sites after a police officer was shot at small Mankon by gun men. 

The assassination of the police officer adds to a number of business persons, teachers who have been killed and their assassins disappear on motor bikes

The Bamenda City council under the leadership of Vincent Ndumu Nji and now Paul Achobong has tried in vain to put order in the bike riding sector

With the economy of the North West almost brought to a standstill with ravaging gunshots all across the week, the City Mayor, Paul Achobong and the SDO of Mezam, Simon Mooh Emile have restricted the circulation of Bikes in the city centre of Bamenda

Stakeholders meet with Mezam SDO

Paul Achobong says the sector brings chaos to the local man

"Motorbikes lead this town into chaos. People are kidnapped on motorbikes, others killed by bike riders. We cannot allow a sector of less than 10,000 to wreck havoc on more than 500,000 people staying in Bamenda"

Unlike other bans, this ban includes both Commercial and private bikes

Quizzed if this will not lead to massive unemployment, the City Mayor noted that before the coming of bikes, they were workshops in the city area and can employ the thousands

The restriction that takes effect on Monday September 7th 2020, will see bikes not plying the roads after mile four function to the Central business district, cannot ply above the mile one Market to Administrative units of the Bamenda I council area, cannot ply beyond the council junction to Ntarikon and are stopped at the Ntaturu and Nitob parks

Paul Achobong further says the bike owners should work and park their bikes at their respective parks and take taxis back home

Mezam SDO, Simon Mooh Emile noted that the council has greatly facilitated bike riders to procure basic documents but the process was not undertaken by all

Another free registration of bikes to obtain basic identification documents will be launched in the month of November

The bike riding sector that counts at least 10,000 riders is the biggest employer in the Region plagued with bad roads

"Security is above every form of comfort our people are seeking" Paul Achobong told the Observer

The meeting was attended that leaders of traders association, the taxi driver union, bike riders syndicate and officials of the Bamenda City council

The restriction, the city Mayor says will remain in effect till normalcy returns to Regional capital of North West Cameroon


Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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