
Bamenda City Mayor Extends sales to Bamenda I

By Anye Nde Nsoh

Bamenda I denizen after purchase
Photo credit: camraisenews

Inhabitants of the Bamenda I council area have been hitting the roads on Mondays to purchase goods of Basic necessity at the Bamenda Main Market to stock at home. 

It was for this reason to satisfy the people of Bamendakwe and it's environs that the Mayor of the Bamenda City Council, Paul Achobong extended his Monday Sales to the Bamenda I council Market

Mayor Mbigha Felix
Photo credit: camraisenews

The Mayor, Mbigha Njah Felix expressed his satisfactions as the Market became busier 

“This action will help boost the Bamenda I market which before my election was been active for close to 15 years.”

During the sales, a 25kg of rice was sold at 5000 FCFA instead of 12,000 FCFA. Six cubes of soap at 1000 FCFA and a bottle of cooking oil sold at 1,000 FCFA was sold at 5,000 FCFA. 

A beneficiary shared her satisfaction indicating the goods bought will go a long way to boost up the standard of living in her home 

 “I am going to use the rice to feed my children, and those who are under my care due to the crisis. This will help me economically." She stated

Because of the difficult times caused by the ongoing socio-political unrest in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Bamenda City Mayor initiated the sale of food items at reduced rates to help the population.  

The denizens of Bamenda III council area awaits the day the food stuffs will be at their doorsteps

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