
WHO Representative supports fight against COVID-19

Dr Phanuel Habiman, dressed in Traditional regalie

The country representative of the World Health organisation, Dr Phanuel Habimana has handed equipments to fight against the coronavirus pandemic to the North West Regional Delegation of Public Health. 

The pandemic which has been ravaging in its second wave across the region has seen some 5549 confirmed cases since the region recorded its first case in 2020.

4533 recoveries have been recorded amongst them 500 health personnel representing 10 percent of the recovery rate. Of this number, 42 are pregnant women meanwhile 200+ persons have died amongst them five health personnel.

Dr Phanuel bounded by Governor and SDO for Mezam 

Barrier measures were instituted by the state of Cameroon aimed at responding to the pandemic. These barrier measures were made public by the world Health organisation, WHO and implemented through the World Bank Funded COVID-19 pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEFF).

This project was designed to breach some of the gabs identified in the North West region plagued by security concerns. This goal is to stop the spread of the virus in the community. 

Regional Delegate receiving check, Pickup key and car documents 

Equipments such as Laptop, smartphones,  a TOYOTA pickup were handed to the Regional Delegate for Public Health Wednesday May 5, 2021, to facilitate movements and activities related to the deadly Coronavirus disease. 
Th sum of $ 7.3 Million has also been provided by both the World Bank and WHO to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon. 

In his tour around Bamenda, Dr Phanuel visited the different COVID-19 vaccination centers and the yet to be completed isolation ward at the Bamenda Regional hospital. Statistics from the North West Regional Fund for Health promotion says 704 persons have this far been vaccinated in Bamenda

Woman recieving COVID-19 vaccine in Vaccination center 

" I came to take my Coronavirus vaccine because I am suffering from diabetis and I was told this virus is deadly especially for people of my age, thank God I have just been vaccinated and I feel relieved, now am going to my community to tell others to come for their COVID vaccine it does not kill " A 53-year-old lady in the vaccination center told The observer.

 Phanuel congratulated the Governor for putting up a fist fight; "The pandemic emergency facility is a mechanism that the world bank has worked out to support the two regions of Cameroon that is the North West and South West to respond to the COVID plan"

Formusoh Racheal 

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